Apple Slash Switch Review – Kill the enemies, Get the Abilities, Look for the Son.

If you have read many of my previous articles, you’ll know that I generally enjoy short games. I think it’s nice to take a break from whatever big, long game you’re playing and break it up with something smaller. Apple Slash, however, was just too short.
So is an hour in the world of Apple Slash really worth your money? Let’s find out!

You begin the game asleep in your house awoken by the sound of your brother calling for help. Strange and mysterious blobs are attacking your home, and it’s up to you to stop them. As you set off into the mostly monochromatic world, you will learn to heal by holding Y when you have over 50 apple seeds, aim your sword using the right stick, and hit the enemies with it using the right bumper. There are also four extra abilities for your sword that you can find around the world. There are enemies that are all little blobs and take a different number of hits to kill. You meet an old man who has lost his son, and now it’s your job to find him. Apart from a few small side quests, that’s really it.
Kill the enemies, get the abilities, look for the son.
The game is so short it allows time for nothing else. The only real extra is to find four secret keys to open a gate. Do you want to know what the secret was? Well, I won’t spoil anything for you, but it is wildly underwhelming. At the end of the game, there was a small boss fight and then the end credits. The boss was pretty fun, though.

Despite the immense simplicity of Apple Slash, I still enjoyed playing it. The black and white graphics look very cool with the added bits of red, the soundtrack has nice pixel vibes but was surprisingly relaxing, and the abilities are fun to use.
I really can’t say anymore about the game, because there’s nothing more to say. I’m not sure if I would recommend the game to someone, sadly. It was something nice to play on a sleepy afternoon, but for the length I’m not convinced it’s worth the money. Maybe take advantage of this when it goes on discount.
Apple Slash Review provided by Nintendo Link
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
Developer: Agelvik
Release Date: July 30, 2021
Price: $4.99, £4.99, €4.99
Game Size: 179.00 MB

Cool pixel art
Nice music
Fun controls
So Short
Pretty boring enemy design
Not enough time to develop the world of characters