Lil Gator Game Switch Review – A Legendary Quest for a Child

Lil Gator Game is an absolutely adorable adventure title from Mega Wobble and Playtonic Friends. In this game, you take control of a little gator brother trying to get the attention of their older sister. In doing so, make believe ensues, and a fun and dramatic world is created for the little gator and his friends to enjoy and attempt to impress his sister.
So is Lil Gator Game a cute and relaxing title for you to casually play? Or is this one just boring and no amount of creativity can save it? Let’s find out!

Lil Gator Game starts off warm, and it tugs at our heartstrings as we watch a little gator boy trying so desperately to get the attention of his older sister, who is just too busy to spend time with her little brother. The lil gator then goes on to recruit his friends to create a majestic adventure on the islands, and his hopes in doing this will revive his relationship with his sister so that they can adventure together once again!
However, in a sad turn of events, the big sister is just too overwhelmed by her assignment, and she is not interested in what the lil gator is doing at all. This seemingly devastates the lil gator, and the friends deem the legendary quest to be a bust. But the optimism of the lil gator is too strong to give up, and he sees his sister as still interested and just needing a bit more encouragement and persuasion.
The story in Lil Gator Game is adorable. This is the tale of too many siblings who experience the subtle disconnect from their older siblings who are becoming more and more adult-like and busy with the everyday expectations of life. It is heartwarming but also sad, because this is a stage of life that is just difficult. Watching the lil gator try and try is cute beyond measure, but the new relationships he makes along the way help to revive his child heart and spur on the adventure.

Lil Gator Game is a casual adventure title where you play as a young gator boy in a make believe scenario where he and his friends have decorated a couple islands in the area with various cardboard cutout enemies for a legendary quest. It is no complicated, and you will be casually picking up items and tips from new friends along the way.
The controls are beyond simple, and there is zero penalty for “messing up”. You can jump, slash, and defend with your shield, although that last one is kind of meaningless. In addition to those, you will gain more abilities over time as you make new friends, so you will be climbing, skipping rocks, and floating with balloons in no time! All you have to do is reach out and connect with new people and try to become friends with them. Some may even require some action steps in order to do so.
Since Lil Gator Game is a casual title, there is no pressure to do much of anything. You can explore to your heart’s content, and there are loads of “enemies” for you to cut down and collect materials so that you can craft new hats, armor, and weapons, among other things. It is an adorable world with even cuter characters, and I love the connections that are made, as they are so simple and organic in the most childlike way.

The greatest thing about Lil Gator Game is also its most unfortunate demise, and that is the casual nature of things. Since there is no set direction or urgency whatsoever, most of the time you are just wandering aimlessly, slashing cardboard enemies, until you happen upon someone or something of interest. Even then, those potential friend encounters do not normally last very long, so the wandering begins again until you find something else. For players looking for a bit more structure, this may not be their cup o’ tea.
As far as the visuals go, though, Lil Gator Game is quite impressive. Not only are the characters designed with the cutest details, but the environment is much larger than I expected with lots of nooks and crannies that continually lead to new areas. There is quite frankly a lot to explore here, and potential friends are scattered all around, which is always a delight, as these characters are one of the highlights of the entire experience.
In addition to the art style, the audio is cozy, enjoyable, and calming. The soundtrack is simply a delight, and the way it transitions from one area to the next brings so much joy. I also love the way the characters interact, and the sounds of cutting the cardboard enemies, swimming, and more continues the trend of feeding into the casual nature of Lil Gator Game.

Lil Gator Game is a delightful experience, and it is one that will calm anyone’s nerves if they are having a stressful day. Casual games like this are a blessing to the gaming community, and that is why Lil Gator Game is something that many gamers may need to play routinely to step away from the more stress-inducing titles out there.
The only real issue with Lil Gator Game is the aimlessness, but that is okay. This is a title that truly puts the controls in your hands and allows you to play your own way and at your own pace. It is calming in every way, and the characters are wonderful. The main story of the lil gator trying to garner his older sister’s attention is a heart breaker, but seeing him connect with friends and make new ones along the way shows the ups and downs of childhood.
If you are looking for a relaxing casual gaming experience, Lil Gator Game is definitely one to keep on your radar. It may not having the staying power of something like Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but do not let that discourage you. This is an excellent game with loads of stuff to do, and it will calm your nerves in a similar way to a relaxing lavender candle.
Lil Gator Game Switch Review provided by Nintendo Link
Publisher: Playtonic Friends
Developer: Mega Wobble
Release Date: December 14th, 2022
Price: $19.99, £16.75, €19,50
Game Size: 252 MB

Fun, albeit sad at times, story
Excellent characters and joys of childhood
Lovely casual gameplay
Large world with lots to do and plenty of friends to make
Adorable art style and cozy soundtrack
Gameplay can feel aimless often
Not a lot of reason to come back once finished
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.