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How To Level Up Characters Fast In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

How To Level Up Characters Fast In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

An instance between life and death can be determined by your character level in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. You’ll need to manage your roster of heroes and make sure they get enough time in battle to gain experience. However, if you’ve forgotten someone in your faction, no problem. There are ways to level up your characters fast in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.

Use your money to drive performance in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

Level Up Fast Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Screenshot by Nintendo Link. Game by Nintendo

People say money helps the world go around, and in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, this is also the case. After Chapter 4, you’ll gain access to the Training Instructor, a man on the camp that can help level up your characters. Select “Level Up/Reset” when speaking to him.

From the “My Roster” menu, pick the character you want to see leveled up. You’ll then see their image enlargened on the left side with their stats on the right. We picked Ashe. Go up with the D-Pad or thumb stick to bump up the level. On the bottom right, you’ll see the cost. Once you’re comfortable, press the A button to confirm the purchase.

By leveling up twice, we were able to increase Ashe’s HP by 102, Strength by 1, and Resistance by 2, among other statistics. If you have a character that’s lower than the rest, leveling them up through the Training Grounds is the best option.

Becoming the MVP

Screenshot by Nintendo Link, Game by Nintendo

Another way to boost the character’s XP in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is by having them become the MVP. It is rewarded at the end of the match, and they will get an extra amount of experience than the others because of it. We recommend playing as the lower-level hero and kicking butt with them on the battlefield. Pick an older mission from the Record Keeper and have at it.

Revisit past missions in Fire Embem Warriors: Three Hopes

Screenshot by Nintendo Link, Game by Nintendo

Revisiting past missions is a great way to earn XP and gain a better rank. You can do it while talking to the Record Keeper at the camp.

The battle rank the mission gives you when completed attributes how much XP you gain. The better you perform, the more of an EXP bonus you can gain. If you’re able to defeat a large number of enemies, have a great completion time, and have a small amount of damage taken, you can gain an S. When you revisit a mission as you’re now stronger than ever, and your foes are weaker.

Finishing side quests also helps level up your character faster; make sure you complete as many as possible.

As you level up your characters, you’ll also want to keep note of the many different classes in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. You can customize the roster however you’d like from becoming an Archer to a Fortress Knight.

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