Motif Switch Review – Geometrical Puzzle Art

Motif is a minimalistic puzzle title from YeTa Games that kind of slipped under the radar in 2021. This is an interesting concept for a puzzle game, and its zen-like feel and sounds make this transient experience a rather unique one.
Well, happy birthday to me (No, really), and let’s find out together if Motif is a puzzle game worth our time and money or is it a boring, mathematical attempt at art.

Motif begins like most puzzle titles. It simply introduces you to the mechanics and ultimately the goal of each puzzle. Here we are presented with lines and shapes that we need to bring to the center, and depending on the puzzle and its dimensions, we are given that many of that line/shape for that particular puzzle. For example: if you are given a straight line and a puzzle with six dimensions, once you drag the straight line to the center, it will become 6 straight lines that you need to arrange in the shape presented to your left.
I know that sounds a bit complicated in words, but it is beautifully instructed from the get-go and you will be solving lovely geometric puzzles in no-time.
As you progress, naturally the puzzles get more difficult, but because Motif uses a unique geometrical approach, the way the difficulty raises is due to the number of different lines and shapes given to you and the number of dimensions you are presented with. And since the lines and shapes have symmetry equal to the number of areas on the screen, the more parts introduced makes the puzzles much more interesting and complex.

The goal of each puzzle is to create the motif presented to you on the left. A great feature is that you can press Y at any given time to bring the completed motif to the center to see if you are anywhere close to solving. Since the lines and shapes are very particular, using the model on the left can immediately help you to know where to put certain parts. However, where things get tricky is when multiple lines overlap, and we get geometrical artwork. It looks wonderful once finished, but getting to that point can be a tough ride some times.
Another interesting feature is the spacing. Each puzzle has its own dotted patterns to indicate how much flexibility you have to solve the puzzle. For example: less dots means it will be easier to “accidentally” happen upon the correct pattern, while more dots means I need to place the parts in the exact spot in order to solve. When the tight spacing is mixed with multiple lines and shapes and a complicated motif, that is when the real challenges begin and the game takes off.
Since Motif has 205 puzzles, the beginning of the game can feel quite slow, and since later levels are locked until you complete all the previous ones, you will have to bull through the simpler ones before you are presented the proper challenging ones. But that’s okay, because once you get to roughly Puzzle 30, that is when things pick and the true challenge begins.

As far as presentation goes, Motif is quite minimalistic. There are only three colors on screen, and that is white, black, and the little bit of red to indicate what buttons control which actions and pieces. Some times minimalism is perfect for a game, and I cannot express enough that this is exactly the aesthetic this game needs. This is an artistic game that uses geometrical principles, and it honestly does not need any more splash.
Sound is an area I wish was a bit more involved. There is no background music, which could have really benefited the overall experience, especially when you are struggling on some of the more complex puzzles. The stringed sound effects that occur while solving are soothing and appropriate, but I think they would have been complimented more with a simple and relaxing song.
Motif is also a title that supports both gamepad controls and touch screen controls. For me, I think the gamepad controls work perfectly fine, but I will admit that the touch controls feel much better. The nice thing is that both options are there, and they are both fantastic.

At the end of the day, Motif is a phenomenal package. This is a stunning and unique puzzle title that offers a ton of gameplay with its 205 puzzles, and its asking price is cheaper than a bag of potato chips. It may start a bit slow and lacks a soundtrack, but that should not steer you away from this experience.
This is an excellent indie puzzle game, and all I ask for you on my birthday is to support YeTa Games and buy Motif now on the Switch eShop. For starters, it won’t cost you much at all, and you will be surprised by how much entertainment you will get out it. Trust me, I’m the birthday boy, and I know what I’m talking about.
Motif Switch Review provided by Nintendo Link
Review also found on OpenCritic
Publisher: YeTa Games
Developer: YeTa Games
Release Date: June 3rd, 2021
Price: $2.99, £2.69, €2,99
Game Size: 100 MB

Beautiful and artistic puzzles
Interesting geometical gimmick
Fantastic value
No soundtrack
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.