Top 10 Biggest File Sizes on Nintendo Switch: 2022 Edition

Last January, on exactly this date, I published a list of the 10 biggest file sizes on the Nintendo Switch. Here we are one year later, and although the list is mostly the same, there are some new contenders for our Top 10 list, which means we lost a couple of previously hefty games. The lowest official size for this list is now 21.2GB, which went up from the previous 20.6GB, and is a large chunk of space to take up on your precious Switch hard drive or micro-SD card.
Well, it only goes up from there, which means if you want to download this entire list of Switch titles, you are looking at a grand total of 329.6GB. That should at least tell you roughly what size micro-SD card to get for your most prized gaming console.
Without further ado, let’s count down the 10(ish) biggest file sizes currently on the Nintendo Switch!
10. WWE 2K18 – 21.2GB
9. DOOM & Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus – 22GB
8. Mortal Kombat 11 – 22.5GB
7. Resident Evil Revelations 2 – 23.6GB
6. DC Universe Online – 24.1GB
5. Apex Legends – 24.3GB
4. Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition – 25.4GB
3. L.A. Noire – 27.4GB
2. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – 31.5GB
1. NBA 2K22 – 46.2GB & NBA 2K21 – 39.4GB
10. WWE 2K18 – 21.2GB

WWE 2K18 is one of the oldest and still largest downloads currently on the Nintendo Switch at 21.2GB. Although this is not the best-ported game on the hybrid console, it is the only proper WWE title to release on the Switch. Since WWE 2K18, WWE and 2K have released the spinoff WWE 2K Battlegrounds instead of continuing to pump out the 2K games as they have been on other consoles, but as we will see later, these 2K games are no joke and take up a lot of space.
This may be a download you just need to RKO and throw out of the ring immediately!
9. (TIE) DOOM & Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus – 22GB

At number 10, we actually have the same tie between DOOM and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. These two behemoths from Bethesda have file sizes of 22GB, which can be quite overwhelming for Switch owners lacking a micro-SD card and wanting to purchase both games. These titles have been ported over to the Nintendo Switch masterfully and run like a dream, all things considered. Both development teams deserve massive praise for their efforts here, as many gamers didn’t even believe it was possible.
If you are looking for a bloody good time and have tons of space available, these are two great games that we welcome on anyone’s Switch library.
8. Mortal Kombat 11 – 22.5GB

Mortal Kombat 11 continues to gain great success on the Nintendo Switch. Since its release, it has added a bunch of new characters and stories to keep players engaged. This particular entry has brought along a lot of classic horror and action movie characters into the already impressive lineup of fighters, which elevates this title as not just a big one but an incredibly fun one, too! However, in order to enjoy this one, you need to free up 22.5GB of space.
Looks like it is time perform a fatality on some of those old games on your Switch to make room for this deadly tournament.
7. Resident Evil Revelations 2 – 23.6GB

The Resident Evil Revelations series released on the Switch back in November of 2017, following the initial 3DS release of the original in 2012 and wider release of the sequel in 2015. Resident Evil Revelations 2 is a massive 23.6GB, a whole 10GB larger than its predecessor on the Switch, Resident Evil Revelations. Resident Evil Revelations 2 saw the return of Claire Redfield, and both Revelations games did a wonderful job mixing action and horror back into the series.
But in order to get Resident Evil Revelations 2 on your hybrid console, you have to get that Red9 ready and eliminate the five heaviest games currently on your console to make some room.
6. DC Universe Online – 24.1GB

DC Universe Online is a free-to-play action game based on the DC comic book universe, and it is a whole lot of fun, especially with friends. You are able to create your own superhero or villain and venture on missions to battle huge names like Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman. But as huge as those names are, they don’t compare to how huge the file size is for this download, as DC Universe Online will require 24.1GB to play.
I don’t know what super power you need to magically make that much space appear on your Switch, but good luck, Peacemaker.
5. Apex Legends – 24.3GB

The newest free-to-play on the Nintendo Switch that came out March 2021 is none other than the hero shooter known as Apex Legends. The popular title continues to grow and gain popularity, especially since its debut on the hybrid console last year. With cross-play support among a slew of other features, it is no wonder why Switch owners were begging for this one. Unfortunately, this one clocks in at 24.3GB and continues to get bigger with each passing update, so those struggling with space may need to do some cleanup before downloading this free-to-play title.
You may be moving fast in this one, but the amount of time it will take to fully download is going to be slow.
4. Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition – 25.4GB

Another new entry for this year’s list, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition launched on the Nintendo Switch back in November 2021. It was initially met with a lot of problems, some getting addressed by Rockstar, but there was sadly a major delay for the physical edition. Despite all of that, these three titles stack up heavily and require 25.4GB of space to download on your Switch console, which can be quite intimidating if you are lacking that spacious micro-SD card.
You may be stealing cars in these games, but I want to know why Claude, Tommy, and CJ are stealing all of my internal storage space!
3. L.A. Noire – 27.4GB

We are now in the final 3, and the bronze medal goes to L.A. Noire! This dark and violent crime thriller is the second title from Rockstar to make it on this list, and this one arrived on the Switch pretty early and was one of the biggest third-party titles from the start. But one reason people stayed away from downloading this one? Well, early Switch adopters were probably not well-prepared for a 27.4GB download that immediately uses all of the internal storage.
You might be solving crimes in this game, but I want to know why L.A. Noire took my storage hostage.
2. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – 31.5GB

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was a huge get for the Nintendo Switch. Yes, this game is massive, clocking in at 31.5GB and earning itself the silver medal, but it is absolutely worth the space it requires because this is one of the best ported games ever on the hybrid console. Many people were worried when this was initially announced, but those worries were cast away immediately once people got their hands on this award-winning action role-playing game.
The hunt is on for a micro-SD card of substantial size, because we still have another game (Technically two!) to talk about.
1. NBA 2K22 – 46.2GB & NBA 2K21 – 39.4GB

Well, I was all ready to say that the NBA 2K series was continuing to take over the file sizes department, but then I found out that NBA 2K18, NBA 2K19, and NBA 2K20 have all been removed from the Nintendo Switch eShop. That means that only the two newest ones will take up the number one spot this year, but truthfully, NBA 2K22 is the new king and gold medal winner, clocking in at a whopping 46.2GB. NBA 2K21 still holds its own at 39.4GB, and owning these two titles and the previous 3 would eat up 183.1GB of space! I consider clumping these together each time, as the NBA 2K series would otherwise eat up this list by itself.
If you are a dedicated NBA fan that games exclusively on Switch, I think I speak for everyone when I say you have my respect. It is clear that these competitive athletes will never drop their title as King of the Biggest File Sizes on Switch, and I am honestly afraid of what NBA 2K23 is going to clock in at.
Thank you for stopping by Nintendo Link! What did you think of this list of the biggest file sizes on the Switch? Were you surprised by any of the entries? Let us know what you think in the comments below. Happy gaming, everyone!
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My name is Jason Capp. I am a husband, father, son, and brother, and I am a gamer, a writer, and a wannabe pro wrestler. It is hard to erase the smile on this simple man.